Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seattle, WA CarrierRates.com Week 8 Discussion - Touting our Horn

Everyone out there has a horn to tout. When was the last time you tooted yours? The first time a horn was used in connection with an automobile was in 1895. As the story goes, the state of Kansas had only two autos in it in 1895 and they collided at an intersection in Wichita! One of the drivers decided to mount a small "bulb" horn on the left side of the windshield. Electric horns came along around 1898. Remember "ahooga"? Even submarines had these. But the longevity winner is the most famous. "Beep-beep"! The poor coyote never had a chance!!!

Over the years the use of horns has saved many a life, and probably caused a few deaths as well. I once owned a 1958 Jaguar Mark II. It had a wickedly loud air horn in it that could be heard in Katmandu! People would get out of the way, but you usually received a little hand gesture from the other driver. Oh well, "beep-beep"...

Next week: Car colors

We here at CarrierRates hope you have a meaningful and successful week.

Published on http://www.carrierrates.blogspot.com/

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